Data Visualization with D3

Funding data Visualization with D3 using Telefilm Canada Dataset

Telefilm Canada Is an important organization with a mission of promoting and developing Canadian audiovisual industry. It helped the development of Canadian film industry over the decades and gave Canadian filmmakers, especially those at the start of their road, a chance to start, and by doing so gave Canada and the world creative movies and brilliant artists and filmmakers. A clear and detailed visualization could be a very helpful way of allowing the public to discover the diverse catalog of movies funded by telefilm Canada and raise their awareness about such an important cultural organization.

Groups of movies can also be selected and displayed on the list based on their characteristics in order to provide a chance to discover new movies. This selection can be done by choosing different filters (genre, year, province, and language) by clicking on an a specific segment of a bar in the “number of movies” stacked bar chart, which sets the year and the genre filters and by clicking on a province on the map and then clicking on a language on the pie chart which sets the province and language filters, the selected filters are visible as tags on top of the list.